The Chef Scrolls
We are here because, as Remy said in Ratatouille, anyone can cook.
But that’s just the beginning of the journey that we want to take you on.
True cooking is developing layers of flavors that wow people, sometimes from ingredients you find on the spot in your refrigerator and pantry. It’s coming home in the evening and spontaneously creating a meal in 20 minutes that satisfies all those who dine on it. It’s developing principles and techniques so that the kitchen becomes your art studio and meals become a canvas on which you create amazing works with your culinary craft.
Even further, The Chef Scrolls is not only about food. We have over a decade of award-winning wine experience that we’d like to share with you. Great wine deserves to be enjoyed, and we will show you the way to create wine that will make your guests and friends sit up and take notice.
Check out our growing YouTube Channel for more, and our Instagram feed for pictures of our work.

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Our YouTube Channel
Who We Are
I have been a cook both personally and professionally all of my adult life. I’ve learned much over the years about creating food and wine that resonate with people. Food that sustains and fulfills us, but doesn’t take forever to make. Wine that shows that time has been taken to care for it and give it the time to mature. These are the tenets I practice.
More than this, I care about the needs of daily life, how meals are not making a menu and buying ingredients. Many of my best meals were looking into my refrigerator and pantry and becoming inspired by the items there that can compose an amazing meal with structure and taste.
And as chefs say the world over, respect the food!